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495 Phoenixville Road, Chaplin, CT 06235

Windham County Connecticut

 Phone: (860) 455-0073

 Fax: (860) 455-0027

 Email: assistant@chaplinct.org



The Chaplin Town Hall, Library and Senior Center will be closed on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 in observance of Lincoln's Birthday and on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of President's Day.


Fire Marshal

To contact the Fire Marshal please call the Town Hall at 860-455-0073 extension 310 during business hours or email him at firemarshal@chaplinct.org .  All mail correspondence should be sent to Chaplin Town Hall, 495 Phoenixville Road, Chaplin CT 06235.

The local fire marshal is required to perform a variety of important duties.  In 2000, the number of fires decreased across the United States.  However, the number of civilian deaths increased more than 13% over the same period.  The major strategies for reducing these risks are implemented through the duties of the local fire marshal.

Each community must recognize their local responsibilities and afford the fire marshal the necessary resources to fulfill the statutory mandates. 

Fire marshals are responsible for the enforcement of many of the sections found in Chapter 541 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as well as numerous codes that are promulgated under the provision of these statutes.

The local fire marshal is required to annually inspect all buildings and facilities of public service and occupancies regulated by the Connecticut State Fire Safety Code.

The State Fire Safety Code covers all occupancies except one and two family dwellings and premises used for manufacturing.

Additional duties imposed by the Connecticut General Statutes on the local fire marshals are as follows: 

  • Shall investigate the cause, origin and circumstance of all fires within their jurisdiction, and shall, within ten (10) days report the same to the State Fire Marshal in the designated format.
  • Issue permits for the use, transportation and storage of explosives in compliance with State Explosives Regulations.
  • Investigate complaints concerning explosives.
  • Inspect explosive storage magazines.
  • Spot-check all job sites where explosives are being used.
  • Notify the Labor Commissioner of fire hazards found in manufacturing establishments.
  • Enforce statute regulating the installation and use of space heaters.
  • Inspect all flammable and combustible liquids storage tank installations for compliance with Connecticut Flammable and Combustible Liquids regulations.
  • Inspect all cargo tank vehicles that transport flammable and combustible liquids, in accordance with regulations.
  • Issue certificate of approval to each vehicle once it is in compliance.
  • Inspect all gasoline service stations.
  • Inspect, at least once each year, all dry cleaning and dry dyeing establishments for compliance with the appropriate code.
  • Inspect and enforce the Connecticut Regulations concerning storage, use and transportation of liquefied petroleum gas and liquefied natural gas.
  • Inspect, at least once each year, all cargo tank vehicles transporting liquefied petroleum gas or liquefied natural gas.
  • Issue certificate of approval to each vehicle.
  • Administer manufacturing employer hazardous materials notification law.
  • Annually inspect all storage plants and equipment and cargo tank vehicles at bulk storage plants for the storage and transportation of hazardous chemicals.
  • Issue certificate of approval to each transportation vehicle.
  • Conduct site inspection of all fireworks and special effects displays for compliance with applicable State legislation. Also make the determination of the amount of fire protection and extinguishing equipment to be on site. 
  • Inspect all tents and portable structures for compliance with the Connecticut Fire Safety Regulations.
  • Conduct review of plans and specifications for various occupancies and facilities being proposed within the town for compliance with the Connecticut Fire Safety Regulations.
  • Attend schools and seminars to keep abreast of the codes, regulations and new technology.
  • Required to be certified by the State Fire Marshal.
  • Provide safety tips and give advice to the general public. 
  • Upon receiving a complaint, inspect one and two family dwellings to assure the statutory requirements regarding smoke detection and warning equipment are satisfied.
  • Sign open burning permits §22a-174


Christopher Bray
Fire Marshal

Christopher Bellantone
Deputy Fire Marshal

Noel Waite
Deputy Fire Marshal

Bud Meyers
Deputy Fire Marshal