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495 Phoenixville Road, Chaplin, CT 06235

Windham County Connecticut

 Phone: (860) 455-0073

 Fax: (860) 455-0027

 Email: assistant@chaplinct.org

Legal Notice - August 13, 2024 Democratic Primay for Judge of Probate District 28

Aviso Legal - 13 de Agosto de 2024 Primaria Demócrata para Juez del Tribunal Testamentario

Legal Notice - August 13, 2024 Republican Primary for United States Senator

Aviso Legal - 13 de Agosto de 2024 Primarias Republicanas para Senador de los Estados Unidos

Democratic Sample Ballot

Republican Sample Ballot

Town Departments

Building Official
Burning Official
Department of Public Works
Emergency Preparedness
Fire Investigator
Fire Marshal
Judge of Probate
Municipal Agent for the Elderly
Notary Public
Registrar of Voters
Sanitarian/Food Inspector
Selectman's Office
Superintendent of Schools
Tax Collector
Town Clerk
Transfer Station
Trash & Recycling
Tree Warden
Zoning Officer